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5 tips to style for Family Pictures

Prepping everyone for a photography session can be a little overwhelming but here are the best tips when choosing the family outfits for perfect pictures.

One of the pain points after booking a photography session is "where do I start styling?" and that is one of the most asked questions I get from mommies as photographer. Styling is part of the whole photography experience I offer and the process is when we balance colors, personalities and tastes. I've got you covered, girl!

1. Start with Mom's outfit

Getting started with mom's wardrobe and building up the other outfits from there is my best advice. Normally it's much easier when you lay down the pieces on the bed to have a better viewing on how everything is coming up together. I highly recommend choosing a dress on your favorite color, a skirt/top combo or even a more dressed up outfit than your every day style. Dresses are flattering and add movement + classy look to the images.

2. Building the color palette

Your favorite color can be a guide when choosing the palette for the outfits but there are a few things to take into consideration when picking the right color: the session's style, the location and season.

Example, If you are targeting more of a nature style, fall-y type of session, take a look at the earth tones, rust and fall colors.

Now that you decided on mom's outfit you will pick 2 to 3 harmonic colors but keep away from matchy-matchy. Add neutrals like beige, tan, brown, gray and one color that pops highlighting the other outfits. Burgundy, peach, cream, rust, caramel will add a classy look, while vivid colors will give a brighter and intense touch.

3. Textures are always a go to

Think about your photos as memories you want to cherish forever. When looking to your images you want to relive the experience as almost touching or getting back to it. Here's where the textures play a big role: they add dimension to the pictures helping them to stand out. Great materials to play around are faux fur, cashmere, wool, chambray, chunky knits, lace, tweed, etc. Add them on your dress fabric, or the boys sweater, a scarf or even a comfy jacket.

4. Don't forget to accessorize!

To enhance the details adding accessories will give a classy glowing look to the outfits. For the girls, don't forget earrings, bracelets, hats, or other accessories that add dimension to the clothing. For the boys: leather shoes, belts or jackets are big friends for the family pictures.

5. What to avoid...

A great help is to know what to go away from according to what is visually better for photography. So here's a few things to erase on your list: oversized clothing, distracting prints, bright white, bold color or neon, logos, overly tight shirts etc.

When booking your session with Munhoz Photography you will have access to my styling guide, a customized visual board and also outfit consultation to nail it perfectly!


Remember to enjoy every single moment from styling to the session day because all the process is just memorable and so fun!

I let you now with the Venson's Maternity shoot gallery I shot a few weeks ago in Richmond, Virginia, to get inspired for your session. Isn't this absolutely beautiful?

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